Fresh member of, Screenatorium based on Lyon, surprised us with their musical maturity.
This accoustic trip-hop band, created in Spetember 2006, welcomed a female singer in 2007, Screenatorium are offering us their vision of a modern trip hop marked by some recognizable influences.
As a result, we can be surprised to hear sounds like Morcheeba or the vocals of Bloom (Zomba records) the famous trip hop album of Crustation. The dizzying voice of the singer accentuates the effect of floating during all the album.
Rythmic and melodic arrengments initiated bu the user Djeh are completing the masterpiece of an emancipated trip hop far from the clichés usually used in this kind of musical style. For those who thought that trip hop was dead and burried, this is the evidence of the contrary.
Here's another '5 For Insight' installment for you. This one features Screenatorium… the excellent artist who was featured on track 9.....
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